Rediscovering Bethel's Heresies Part 2: False Unity - Chris Rosebrough
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Is doctrinal diversity a good thing? Bethel Redding leaders think so. In this episode of Fighting for the Faith, Pastor Chris refutes the notion that it's a good to have a Catholic priest and a Baptist evangelist both preach at your church. The Church is diverse in ethnicity and culture but it is not diverse in essential doctrine. If you deny the core tenants of Biblical faith, then you have no place in Christ's Church. Bethel's concept of unity has no root in Scripture, but stems from personal experience and postmodern values.
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How to Disagree as Christians - Theocast
We live in a time where we’re prone to throw mud, be condescending, self-righteous, and accusatory, and we often misrepresent those with whom we disagree. This behavior doesn’t seem to align with what Scripture teaches about being gentle, kind, patient, and avoiding arguments. So, today, Jon and ...
Is Being “Slain in the Spirit” Biblic...
Is being “slain in the Spirit” biblical? Call us with your questions on the Bible and the Christian life now at 833-843-2673. Check out our free offer for AGTV viewers:
Living Before the Face of God - The L...
In the hyper charismatic movement, there are countless claims of people seeing Jesus face to face. Whether it be here on earth in a private environment, or before the very throne of God, these experiences are both shared and sought. Is this to be normative in the life of a Christian, or is there ...
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