The legalist and the antinomian are one and the same, in that they both operate out of a deeply ingrained misreading of God’s law and character. In this lesson, Dr. Ferguson looks at the different faces of antinomianism and their distinctive features.
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Free Indeed! (Part 1) - Alistair Begg
As Jesus taught in the temple, many believed and were curious about Him but still rested in their religious pedigree, blind to their spiritual need. Alistair Begg reminds us that although Jesus’ words about enslavement recalled the Jews’ history as slaves in Egypt, we, too, are in bondage to sin,...
A Biblical Response to Perfectionism ...
Behavioral perfectionism – not to be confused with the doctrine sometimes referred to as Christian perfectionism or sinless perfection – is a sin many professing Christians struggle with (yes, it is a sin). But not only is the individual perfectionist affected by their behavior, so are those who ...
The Fall of Stoval Weems - Chris Rose...
Stoval Weems was recently in the news for alleged embezzlement. He has spent the last several years telling his followers about his "Jesus encounter", in which he claims to have interacted personally with the risen Christ. Weems then used this encounter narrative to boost his spiritual authority ...
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