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Introduction - E.1 - Gospel Assurance - Mike Abendroth

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God So Loved the World (John 3:16) - Pastor Don Green

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  • Introduction - E.1 - Gospel Assurance...

    Episode 1: In this first episode on assurance, Mike answers some very important, introductory questions like:
    1.    What Is gospel assurance and can Christians have it?
    2.    Is there a difference between security and assurance?
    3.    Do many Christians struggle with assurance?
    4.    Is there a ...

  • The Pagan’s Prayer- E.1 - AG Sermon S...

    Sean expounds upon Matthew 6:7-8 and how Jesus instructs us not to pray like the pagan.

  • The Enneagram - Session 1 - Justin Pe...

    Monday - June 13 - 7:00pm (CT) - Justin Peters - Trading Sola Scriptura for Prima Scriptura

    “Trading Sola Scriptura for Prima Scriptura” really forms the basis for how each of us will determine if the Enneagram is a helpful tool for Christians, harmful to Christians or simply neutral on a spirit...