God's Providence in Christ's Burial - Grace To You TV
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Christian Psychology - P2 - True and ...
Many false spiritual warfare teachings are dependent on finding out secret things that are not revealed. We warn about false Christian psychology teachings and exhort Christians to believe the promises of God. We do not need to discover secrets from our past - we need the clear teaching of the re...
The Glory Story - The White Horse Inn...
On this edition of the White Horse Inn the hosts discuss the influence of both Pelagianism and Gnosticism in the American religious landscape. And the net result is what they refer to as "the Glory Story." In contrast to the theology of glory, however, the hosts make a case for recovering a clear...
Do I Have to Go to Church to Be a Chr...
Many Christians in our time seem to think that church attendance is optional, particularly in an age like ours with so many online options. But is this a healthy outlook? Is it even biblical? On this program, the hosts discuss this question and offer numerous reasons why it is not only important ...