Racism and God - The Way of the Master: Home Edition - Episode 82
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America continues to divide over racial lines, but Jesus has the power to unify.
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Questioning Conventional Wisdom (Part...
On this episode, Shane tells the story of Egyptologist David Rohl by weaving together various interviews and audio clips over the past few decades related to his research into the New Chronology. In the second half of the program Shane talks with Dr. Rohl about a number of fascinating discoveries...
American Gospel: Christ Alone (Free C...
This free chapter on moralistic preaching is free and available for non-subscribers to watch. Please share!
Is Christianity Christ + the American dream? American Gospel examines how the prosperity gospel (the Word of Faith movement) has distorted the gospel message, and how this theology is bei...
Filling Up the Sufferings of Christ -...
This difficult passage has often been misused by those who claim that the “merits of Christ” can be added to. We explain and defend the eschatological view that Christian suffering is necessary and eventually reaches the limit that God has set for it. What is lacking that is being filled up are s...