Hindrances Strew All the Way - E.12 - The Whole Christ
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The quest for assurance isn’t free of difficulties, so we need to be made aware of the obstacles along the way. In this lecture, Dr. Ferguson helps us anticipate the common snares that trip us up when we take our eyes off of Jesus Christ.
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Greg Koukl on Street Smarts - E.27 - ...
Have you ever noticed that conversations about religion and politics tend to produce more heat than light? Because most of us are aware of this, we tend to avoid conversations relating to our deepest convictions. So how can we discuss our beliefs with others in a way that ends up producing more l...
The Virgin Birth: Myth or Fact? - Mic...
Does it truly matter if the virgin birth is a historical fact or not? Michael Horton responds to @JordanBPeterson, Richard Dawkins, and @CosmicSkeptic as they debate about the value and historicity of the virgin birth and other biblical claims.
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?... -
Called Out of Darkness - P14 - True a...
We continue our discussion of the host of heaven, showing that though the Jews were keeping the Sabbaths and festivals that God prescribed they were far from God and they were under the host of heaven. Many people today think they are Christians because they keep religious traditions that God ha...