What sacred fountain freely springs up
From the throne of God
And all new covenant blessing brings?
It’s Jesus’ precious blood
What mighty sum paid all my debt
When I a bankrupt stood
And has my life in credit set?
It’s Jesus’ precious blood
O precious blood, it covers me
It takes away the stain of sin
Such power there is contained within
Jesus’ precious blood
What stream is that, which sweeps away
My sin just like a flood
So not a hint of it can stay?
It’s Jesus’ precious blood
What voice is that which speaks for me
In heaven’s high court for good
And justifies and sets me free?
It’s Jesus’ precious blood
What theme my soul shall best employ
Your song before Your God
And make all heaven ring for joy?
It’s Jesus’ precious blood
Hymnology was produced by Grace Productions in partnership with Hymns of Grace. Hymns of Grace exist to assist believers in their corporate and private worship of God. For more information about Hymns of Grace, visit: https://hymnsofgrace.com
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