The Perfect Wisdom Of Our God (Hymn 25) - S3:E17 - Hymnology
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5m 19s
1. The perfect wisdom of our God, revealed in all the universe:
All things created by His hand, and held together at His command.
He knows the mysteries of the seas, the secrets of the stars are His;
He guides the planets on their way, and turns the earth thru another day.
2. The matchless wisdom of His ways that mark the path of righteousness;
His word a lamp unto my feet, His Spirit teaching and guiding me.
And oh, the mystery of the cross, that God should suffer for the lost,
So that the fool might shame the wise and all the glory might go to Christ.
3. O grant me wisdom from above, to pray for peace and cling to love,
And teach me humbly to receive the sun and rain of Your sov’reignty.
Each strand of sorrow has a place within this tapestry of grace;
So through the trials I choose to say, “Your perfect will in Your perfect way.”
Words and Music: Keith Getty and Stuart Townend
© 2011 Getty Music Publishing (BMI) (admin. by Music Services, Inc.) / ThankYou Music (PRS) (admin. by All Rights Reserved.
Hymnology was produced by Grace Productions in partnership with Hymns of Grace. Hymns of Grace exist to assist believers in their corporate and private worship of God. For more information about Hymns of Grace, visit:
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