Sing Praise to God Who Reigns Above (Hymn 1) - Hymnology
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2m 45s
1. Sing praise to God who reigns above,
The God of all creation,
The God of pow’r, the God of love,
The God of our salvation.
With healing balm my soul He fills,
And ev’ry faithless murmur stills:
To God all praise and glory
2. What God’s almighty pow’r hath made
His gracious mercy keepeth.
By morning glow or evening shade
His watchful eye ne’er sleepeth.
Within the kingdom of His might,
Lo! all is just and all is right:
To God all praise and glory!
3. The Lord is never far away,
But, thru all grief distressing,
An ever-present help and stay,
Our peace and joy and blessing.
As with a mother’s tender hand
He leads His own, His chosen band:
To God all praise and glory!
4. Thus all my toilsome way along
I sing aloud His praises,
That men may hear the grateful song
My voice unwearied raises.
Be joyful in the Lord, my heart!
Both soul and body bear your part:
To God all praise and glory!
Words: Johann J. Schütz; translated by Frances E. Cox
Music: Bohemian Brethren's Kirchengesänge, Berlin, 1566
Vocalists: Ivan Carrillo, Steve Lively, and Philip Webb
Instrumentalists: Cathy Biagini - Cello, Julian Cordero - Drums, Eric Lan - Violin, Mark Rice - Piano
Hymnology was produced by Grace Productions in partnership with Hymns of Grace. Hymns of Grace exist to assist believers in their corporate and private worship of God. For more information about Hymns of Grace, visit:
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