Love Divine All Loves Excelling (Hymn 161) - S4:E17 - Hymnolog
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3m 49s
1. Love divine, all loves excelling,
Joy of heav’n, to earth come down;
Fix in us Thy humble dwelling;
All Thy faithful mercies crown.
Jesus, Thou art all compassion,
Pure, unbounded love Thou art;
Visit us with Thy salvation;
Enter ev’ry trembling heart.
2. Breathe, O breathe Thy loving Spirit
Into ev’ry troubled breast!
Let us all in Thee inherit,
Let us find the promised rest.
Take away our love of sinning;
Alpha and Omega be;
End of faith, as its beginning,
Set our hearts at liberty.
3. Come, Almighty to deliver,
Let us all Thy grace receive;
Suddenly return, and never,
Nevermore Thy temples leave.
Thee we would be always blessing,
Serve Thee as Thy hosts above,
Pray, and praise Thee without ceasing,
Glory in Thy perfect love.
4. Finish, then, Thy new creation;
Pure and spotless let us be;
Let us see our great salvation
Perfectly secured in Thee:
Changed from glory into glory,
Till in heav’n we take our place,
Till we cast our crowns before Thee,
Lost in wonder, love and praise.
Words: Charles Wesley
Music: John Zundel
Vocalists: Ivan Carrillo, Steve Lively, and Philip Webb
Instrumentalists: Cathy Biagini - Cello, Julian Cordero - Drums, Eric Lan - Violin, Mark Rice - Piano
Hymnology was produced by Grace Productions in partnership with Hymns of Grace. Hymns of Grace exist to assist believers in their corporate and private worship of God. For more information about Hymns of Grace, visit:
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