I Deserve Hell is Mark Spence's story like you've never heard it before.
Do you ever think about the bad things you've done in your life? After organizing a heist to steal hundreds of jeans, Mark's plans were abruptly impeded and changed. Once he reflected upon and understood the evil intentions of his heart, Mark called out to the Savior, Jesus Christ. God graciously transformed him and gave him the free gift of everlasting life.
Christ's intervention in Mark's life made him a new creation and saved him from a terrible fate. If you are broken over your sin, you can get right with God by confessing with your mouth that Jesus is Lord, and believing in your heart that God raised Him from the dead.
You don't know which day will be your last. Today is the day to repent and put your faith in Jesus Christ.
For more information about receiving Christ's redemption in your life, visit https://anchorednorth.org/get-right-with-god/
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