Is There a Baby in the Charismatic Bathwater? - Phil Johnson
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Psalm 1 Is NOT About You - Theocast
One of the most famous Psalms that nearly everyone reads is Psalm 1. Jon and Justin want to highlight the distinction between the law and the gospel in Psalm 1, showing that it is not about how God blesses those who obey Him. Psalm 1 is not about you! You don't appear until Psalm 2, and that is w...
Why Have You Forsaken Me? - Chapter 8...
How was Jesus forsaken on the cross? What was in the cup?
And He went a little beyond them, and fell on His face and prayed, saying, “My Father, if it is possible, let this cup pass from Me; yet not as I will, but as You will.”
— Matthew 26:39About the ninth hour Jesus cried out with a loud vo...
Lessons From Jude (Part 1) - Alistair...
In his epistle, Jude sounded a wakeup call to a sleeping church. The real danger, Alistair Begg explains, is not the world outside the fold of God’s people but individuals inside it who pervert God’s love and grace into sensuality and license. Jude couldn’t sit idly by as the flock was destroyed,...