The Centrality of the Family – Joel Kim – Ligonier
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In the beginning, God created the family for His glory, establishing it as a picture of His love for His people and the place where children grow in the nurture and admonition of the Lord (Gen. 2:18–25; Eph. 5:22–6:4). How we live in the family is a testimony to our family members and to outsiders regarding the love of God, and how we treat one another has a lasting impact on how we understand the character of God. In this session, Dr. Joel Kim looks at how life in the family counts forever, encouraging spouses to love one another in order to rightly image God and exhorting parents to love and instruct their children so that they will know and love the Lord.
This message is from Right Now Counts Forever, Ligonier’s 2021 National Conference. See upcoming Ligonier events at
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