Stand Firm - P15 - True and False Spiritual Warfare
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The armor of God mentioned in Ephesians 6 and the imperative to stand must be understood in the context of the change of dominion from the hostile powers of darkness to that of God. The implications for Christians include these Biblical facts:
(1) we are God's inheritance in Christ
(2) we have enlightenment
(3) we are secure from the hostile powers
(4) the magical practices of the pagans and their shamans are shameful and forbidden (not to mention powerless)
(5) our status in Christ is secure
(6) we need not fear bad fate
(7) ethical living for Christians is such that we stand as those in light
(8) This in sharp contrast to the pagans who live out the shameful practices of darkness
We have what we need in the Gospel. Therefore we must stand and not retreat. To retreat is to go back to shamanism to manipulate the world of the spirits. Many false spiritual warfare teachers today convince Christians that they are not secure and cause them to retreat to Christian shamanism.
We must stand firm in Christ.
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