It Matters What You Believe (Pt. 6) - The Word Unleashed
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In this sermon Tom Pennington explains that Christians are able to recognize false teaching by understanding the Word of God and the ministry of the Holy Spirit.
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What is Pietism? - Theocast
Pietism is something we have discussed many times over the years on Theocast. Four years into recording together, Jon and Justin pointedly revisit the topic in today’s episode. What is pietism? How would the guys explain it to someone visiting their respective churches? How does pietism affect th...
A Pastoral Response to Theonomy - The...
In the second of two episodes on theonomy, Jon and Justin consider some of the practical fallout of theonomy: the gospel tends to be obscured, the mission of the church is confused, and burdens are placed on the saints that we were never meant to bear. How should we respond pastorally to these co...
Reparations? - E.1 - Wretched TV
How much can we disagree with our brothers and sisters over CRT before we break fellowship? Where do we draw the line? Todd and Darrell discuss how a pastor should shepherd a flock of people who all have differing opinions on CRT. What is the biblical issue with the concept of reparations?