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A Critique of the Seven Mountain Mandate - (Part 6) - Critical Issues Co...

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A Tale of Revival and Super Bowl Prophecy - The Lovesick Scribe Podcast

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  • A Critique of the Seven Mountain Mand...

    Bill Johnson uses Luke 19:13 (KJV) to support his claim that we must take dominion and "occupy" until Christ comes. He claims we are to be like a military and invade. Bob and Eric show that "occupy" in Luke 19 means to do business or trade. This passage is showing that we are to be about Christ's...

  • Steven Almighty - Digging Deeper - An...

  • Greed, Heresy, & the Prosperity Gospe...

    In his second letter, Peter warns believers that “there will be false teachers among you, who will secretly introduce destructive heresies. Because of them the way of truth will be blasphemed, and in their greed they will exploit you.” According Costi Hinn, author of God, Greed and the (Prosperit...