The Believer's New Relationship to Sin - Pt. 4 - The Word Unleashed
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In this sermon Tom Pennington explains why the intercessory work of Christ is a foundational doctrine to the Christian faith, and how it directly applies to the believer's life.
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Mission-Iowa - S8:E8 - The Way of the...
The Tulip Gospel Outreach is causing faith to bloom in Iowa.
Is “Social Justice” a Marxist Concept...
The term “Social Justice” can be found in almost any discussion about society, politics, and religion, and many evangelicals have fully embraced the word. But what is the history of the term, and how might the ideological origins of “social justice” color its meaning? In this episode, we survey t...
Critical Thinking Against Race Theory...
In this Road Trip episode of Wretched, Jake engages students on the topics of segregation, racism, Critical Race Theory (CRT), and systemic racism, exploring their implications with theologian Erwin Lutzer, who highlights racism as a sin against the truth of being made in God's image. They discus...