Mike Abendroth explains how unrighteousness & self-righteousness both lead to judgement in hell. Our only hope is Christ's perfect righteousness imputed to us.
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Dreams & Muslim Conversion Accounts -...
Many people believe that God speaks to us through dreams and visions today. Such claims are very common in the Islamic world. In this episode, we examine whether or not Scripture promises us private revelations through dreams. We also provide a brief assessment of Islamic dream conversion accounts.
AG3: Spirit & Fire - Teaser 2
Can you comprehend the breadth, length, height, and depth of the love of Christ in the gospel?
A docuseries, coming 2025.
Trading Sola Scriptura for Prima Scri...
“Trading Sola Scriptura for Prima Scriptura” really forms the basis for how each of us will determine if the Enneagram is a helpful tool for Christians, harmful to Christians or simply neutral on a spiritual level. Is Scripture the final authority for faith and practice or is ancient wisdom and n...