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Are People Being Led to Christ or Manipulated to Follow Men? - Lovesick ...

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Why Productivity Can Never Give You Peace - S2:E2 - Redeeming Productivity

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  • Are People Being Led to Christ or Man...

    We live in a time when social media and digital technology is a prominent tool to disseminate messages as well as doctrinal beliefs at the touch of a button. There are drawbacks to such availability and power. There is reputable content, and there is questionable content flying under the radar of...

  • Grace and Law X: A Law Divided? - The...

    Is it necessary for the New Testament Christian to observe and obey the totality of God’s Law? In one sense, the answer is clearly “YES!” But upon closer inspection, the answer requires more nuance.
    To answer the question, we must first define what we mean by law. Throughout Scripture, the word i...

  • The Preeminence of Christ - Critical...

    Colossians 1:15, 16 are the first two verses of the “Christ Hymn” of Colossians 1. The important doctrine of “Christ alone” is grounded in the supremacy of Christ and His sufficiency for our salvation and sanctification. In this passage, “firstborn” means preeminent, not the first of many. Christ...