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To Administer Communion - Critical Issues Commentary

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Recognizing False Teachers (Part 4) - The Word Unleashed

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  • To Administer Communion - Critical Is...

    To Administer Communion

    The Lord’s Supper is for all believers and all Christians are equal at the Lord’s Table. No church council has the authority to bar true believers from Lord’s Supper except in cases of church discipline, and we are not required to agree to a creed from church history befo...

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    Romans 8:29 tells us that those whom God foreknew He predestined to become conformed to the image of His Son, so that He would be the firstborn among many brethren. There are differing beliefs as to what foreknew means. One such belief states that we preexisted with God prior to birth. But what d...

  • John Lindell and the Pseudo Supernatu...

    Hyper-Charismatic Churches strongly emphasize the need for all Christians to be living a life of miracles that looks like the Book of Acts. Chris Rosebrough exposes the Bible twisting that is used to burden Christians with such impossible demands. The Book of Acts is a descriptive narrative of wh...