Justin Peter's explains his struggle understanding the true nature of repentance. Does calling someone to repentance contradict the truth that we are not saved by our good works?
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The Enneagram - Online Conference (Tr...
The Enneagram is a spiritual tool that is revolutionizing Christian theology around the world. But…what spirit is behind the tool? Join the online streaming event, The Enneagram: What’s True, What’s False, Does it Matter? June 13 – 17, 2022. The event is free, details are here!
Becoming a Biblical Elder Conference ...
(9:00 am – Noon) Becoming Biblical Elders:
Tom Pennington, Pastor-teacher, Countryside Bible Church- A Summary of the Arguments for Biblical Eldership
- A Biblical Understanding of a Call
- A Biblical Understanding of the Function of an Elder and Elders(12:00 – 12:30 pm) Q&A: Lunch
Storyline of the Bible: The Pentateuc...
Paul Twiss covers the Pentateuch in the Storyline of the Bible part 1. For more information about in-depth courses about the Bible, visit Grace Equip of Grace Community Church: https://www.gracechurch.org/equip