Join Room For Nuance in a conversation with Carl R. Truman, Professor of Biblical and Religious Studies at Grove City College in Grove City, Pennsylvania and author of The Rise and Triumph of the Modern Self.
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An Introduction to the Sovereign Gosp...
Scripture Memorization - S01.E04 - Re...
Every Christian should make a regular practice of memorizing passages from the Bible. In this episode, Reagan discuses why Scripture memorization is so important and offers some strategies and resources to help you get started.
The Holiness of God and His People – ...
Isaiah 6 gives us a grand vision of the holiness of God and reminds us that He is “holy, holy, holy.” When the prophet Isaiah saw this grand vision, he cried out because he was a man of “unclean lips.” Because of Isaiah’s sinfulness, a seraphim promptly flew to him, touched his lips with a coal, ...
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