Jesus Played a Saxophone? - Roundtable Teaser
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1m 36s
Every book in the New Testament, with the exception of Philemon, contains warnings about false teachings. Wolves in sheep's clothing pose a real threat to believers, and Scripture teaches us to mark and avoid them (Romans 16:17-18). However, there is substantial disagreement within the church regarding the biblical definitions of a "false teacher" and "false prophet". This debate is tied to differing views on the nature and continuation of the Holy Spirit's gifts, particularly the gifts of healing, prophecy, and tongues.
In a four-hour roundtable discussion, Justin Peters, Jim Osman, Michael Brown, and Sam Storms sit down to discuss these disagreements in person for the first time. We trust that this conversation will edify the body of Christ and provide clarity on these divisive, yet critical, issues.
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