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Parenting, Pornography and Technology - E.2 - Wretched TV

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Saved by Works? (w/ The Pactum) - Theocast

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  • Parenting, Pornography and Technology...

    Todd breaks bread with Dr. Tedd Tripp, and their conversation focuses on the impact of technology and pornography consumption on children and families. Parenting in the digital age requires creating thoughtful bounderies, and intentionally making time to engage with your kids.

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    Original Video:

  • 17 Marks of False Teachers - E.6 - Wr...

    2nd Peter warns of false teachers. Todd shares wisdom from Thomas Brooks. They are springs without water and mists driven by a storm...For, while speaking out arrogant words of no value they entice by fleshly desires. They preach piffle and speak arrogantly. They don't preach on the weighty thing...