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Do All Paths Lead to the Same God? - The White Horse Inn - #1374

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The Church I: More Than a Project - Behold Your God Podcast

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  • Do All Paths Lead to the Same God? - ...

    Religious pluralism seems to be the only perspective that is tolerated in today’s culture, while those who are “trapped” within the confines of a single religious outlook are dismissed as narrow and sectarian. But if you think about it, those who promote this alternative dogma that “all paths lea...

  • Baptism of the Holy Spirit? - E.5 - W...

    Michael asks if the baptism of the Holy Ghost a separate event. Landon asks how true believers can be led into false doctrine and error if we have the Holy Spirit. Clark asks if it is appropriate for a church to have guidelines or commitments not specifically found in Scripture.

  • Getting the Good News Right
 - E.10 -...

    Many people think of Christianity as a system of rules and regulations, like the Ten Commandments. While the law did play an important part in revealing the character of God and pointing to the coming Messiah, the core truth of Christianity is the good news of the Gospel.