Tuesday - June 14 - 7:00 PM (CT) - Don Veinot – The Enneagram, Discipleship and the Church
Discipleship is observation and imitation. All of us are discipling, some well and some not so well. Within the church leaders are to guard the flock, disciple them to be discerning and train them in the word and holy living based on the word. Does the Enneagram fit within scriptural faith and practice or it is in conflict with it?
L.L. (Don) Veinot Jr. is co-founder and President of Midwest Christian Outreach, Inc., a national apologetics ministry and mission to new religious movements based in Wonder Lake, IL., with a branch office in Quincy, IL and Cape Coral, FL. He, along with his wife of 51 years, Joy, have been involved in discernment ministry as missionaries to cults and New Religious Movements since 1987. He is a frequent guest on various radio and television broadcasts including The John Ankerberg Show as well as being a staff researcher and writer for the Midwest Outreach Journal. He is co-author of, Richard Rohr and the Enneagram Secret, A Matter of Basic Principles: Bill Gothard and the Christian Life, contributing author of Preserving Evangelical Unity: Welcoming Diversity in Non-Essentials, as well as articles in the CRI Journal, PFO Quarterly Journal, Campus Life Magazine, Journal of the International Society of Christian Apologetics, Midwestern Journal of Theology, The Christian Post and other periodicals. He is also co-host of the weekly “Unknown Webcast” on the Midwest Christian Outreach, Inc YouTube Channel. He was ordained to the ministry by West Suburban Community Church of Lombard, IL, at the Garden of Gethsemane in Jerusalem, Israel in March of 1997. Don is a charter member of ISCA (International Society of Christian Apologetics) and is also the current President of Evangelical Missions to Non-Christian Religions (EMNR), a consortium of Counter cult/apologetic ministries and missions to non-Christians.
Tuesday - June 14 - 8:00 PM (CT) - Dr. Doug Groothuis – The Enneagram and a Heretic’s Christ
Franciscan Friar Richard Rohr has been very influential in reshaping the theology and practice in large segments of the evangelical church. His disciples, Suzanne Stabile, Ian Cron, Christopher Heuretz, Beth McCord and others are some of the biggest selling authors from what are thought of as evangelical publishers. Is what he teaches biblically true or is the church embracing a Heretic’s Christ?
Douglas Groothuis, Ph.D., is Professor of Philosophy at Denver Seminary and the author of 15 books, including Christian Apologetics, 2nd ed. (2022). He has been publishing and teaching on cults, new religious movements, and apologetics for over forty years. Website: www.DouglasGroothuis.com
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