The Importance of Addressing Modern Deliverance Ministry - Lovesick Scribe
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1h 38m
Join Dave Jenkins and I as we discuss why addressing the modern deliverance movement matters and what is at stake.
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Why Finding the True Self is Not Bibl...
We start by discussing the question of why something a clearly pagan as Enneagram is brought into evangelical institutions. the answer is that there is a lack of clear Biblical teaching in churches that leaves so many without discernment. The Enneagram idea is that there is a “divine essence” whi...
Excavating Self or Dying to Self? - C...
This program deals with some serious consequences of Enneagram’s denial of the biblical doctrine of the fall. The transcendence of God as the eternal, Triune Creator is replaced by a man-centered worldview that is incompatible with biblical Christianity. We cite Richard Rohr claiming that Christ ...
Habits for Growth with Darryl Dash - ...
In this episode, Reagan talks to Darryl Dash, pastor and author of 8 Habits for Growth. They discuss the simplicity of spiritual growth, the habits believers should be practicing, and some of the things that get in the way of growing spiritually.