Pentecostals and Charismatics claim to be the Christians that are living in the power of the Holy Spirit as manifested at Pentecost, but in reality they have undervalued the significance of those events as they focus on counterfeit manifestations. R.C. Sproul unpacks this crucial day in Church history in this valuable message.
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Gospel Assurance - Mike Abendroth (Pr...
This 5-episode series can best be summarized by Martin Luther’s famous saying, “When I look to myself, I don’t know how I could be saved. But when I look to the Lord Jesus Christ, I don’t know how I could be lost.” Christian, if you are struggling with assurance, you’ll want to want to checkout t...
Your First Week at BSSM (Part 2) - E....
Wrapping up the week one summary, going over outreach, treasure hunts, kenosis, and wrap up.
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The Incarnation - E.1 - What Did Jesu...
So often, we think of the work of Christ as something that began when He was baptized in the Jordan River around the age of thirty. In reality, however, the work of Christ began in eternity past in the covenant of redemption. In this lecture, Dr. Sproul explains how the humiliation of Christ in H...