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The Enneagram & The Tale of a Pastor’s Wife - Jill Lancour

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Should We Pray in Tongues? - Don Green

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  • The Enneagram & The Tale of a Pastor’...

    The Enneagram was introduced to me as nothing more than a personality tool. I soon discovered something branded as the “Christian Enneagram” which was promoted as a “spiritual tool.” It was enticing and I was heavily deceived into believing and trusting that the Enneagram could be Righteous, so m...

  • The Origins of the Enneagram - Marcia...

    In response to the popularity of the Enneagram in evangelicalism, Marcia Montenegro explains the New Age origins of the Enneagram and how it has infiltrated the church through Richard Rohr.

    Marcia's work can be found at Christian Answers for the New Age:

  • It's Been 2,000 Years, So Why Do We B...

    It's Been 2,000 Years, So Why Do We Believe Jesus Is Coming "Soon"?
    Call us with your questions on the Bible and the Christian life now at 833-843-2673. Check out our free offer for AGTV viewers:\