Dreams, visions, and whispers from Heaven dominate the bookshelves in many so-called Christian bookstores today. Do believers have all they need in Scripture to know the will of God and carry it out? Pastor Don Green wraps up his series on the Holy Spirit and spiritual gifts with the all-important topic of discerning the will of God. Having laid a foundation in previous messages, he makes the case for the total sufficiency of Scripture in the Christian life. https://youtu.be/Mwm0tA9OeHo
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No Red Wave and the Wisdom of Pilgrim...
With the recent Midterm Elections, we often find ourselves putting our faith and emotion into the political scene, but is this good for us as believers? In this Episode of Red Grace Media, Emilio Ramos reminds us of the wisdom of biblical Pilgrim Theology and what that means exactly. Also, we do ...
Week 8 - Beholding God and Evangelism
The History of Roman Catholicism's Dr...
Roman Catholicism’s drift into apostasy began when it no longer submitted to the authority of God’s Word. By elevating its religious traditions to be equal in authority to Scripture and declaring its bishops to be only valid interpreters of Scripture, they departed from the faith of the apostles....