With the deadline for performance reviews approaching, Ranger Joe realizes that his review of Bobby’s performance could spell disaster.
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The Meaning of Bill Johnson's Communi...
Have we misunderstood Bill Johnson in his teaching on Kenosis? In other words, when Johnson teaches that Jesus laid His divinity aside, are we misunderstanding him? No, Johnson still believes that Jesus did not do miracles as God but limited Himself to give us an example of how to do miracles our...
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Former gang member now pastor - Emeal Zwyane EZ Testimony
WATCH a bonus clip not included in the video: https://anchorednorth.org/initiated-a...
This video tells the story about EZ's search for status and acceptance. From joining the Crips gang at fifteen years old to signing highly coveted co...
Whose Slave Are You? - Part 5 - The W...
In this sermon Tom Pennington explains the sinfulness of human sin before a just and holy God.