A.W. Tozer in Chicago, IL
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What Hath Darwin Wrought? - Todd Friel
"What Hath Darwin Wrought?" investigates the shocking history of "social Darwinism" in America and Europe, including the eugenics crusade against the "unfit," the euthanasia movement, Nazi genocide, and current efforts to devalue the lives of the handicapped.
Is social Darwinism a logical applic...
Why I Left the Orthodox Church - Samu...
The Eastern Orthodox Church and the Oriental Orthodox Church look almost identical and yet they both claim to be the only true and original Church of Jesus Christ. Doreen Virtue interviews Baptist Pastor Samuel Farag who spent the majority of his life in the Oriental Orthodox Church. This discuss...
Divine Simplicity - Kevin DeYoung
Over the past few years I’ve noticed, along with other colleagues and friends in ministry, that while there is a lot of good written content out there from our Reformed neck of the woods, there isn’t nearly as much when it comes to video. Yes, there are plenty of recorded sermons, conference mess...