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Week 6 – Knowing the God Who Knows All
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Is Rick Joyner's Prophetic Revelation...
The Final Quest by Rick Joyner is a popular book among those in the Charismatic, as well as the New Apostolic Reformation. Joyner appeals to personal revelations that he received through dreams and trances, claiming that he was given insight into the last days and the battle to take place.
Confronting the Sexual Chaos - Don Green
How can the Church respond to the cultural tidal wave of Transgenderism and Intersectionality if she can't stand on the absolute truth of Scripture in other matters. For over 50 years, a rapid downgrade has taken place in the American church. A shocking number of American congregations have succu...
An Introduction to Daniel - Studies i...
In this sermon Tom Pennington gives the historical background and context surrounding the book of Daniel.