Transfiguration - E.6 - What Did Jesus Do? - RC Sproul
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At the beginning of the gospel of John, the apostle declares, "And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we have seen his glory." It is very likely that John is referring here to the transfiguration of Christ, that moment when the glory theretofore concealed was revealed to Jesus' closest disciples. In this lecture, Dr. R.C. Sproul looks at the account of the transfiguration, explaining its significance in the ministry of Christ.
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Act Like Men - E.7 - Wretched TV
Todd reads a tweet from Kris about church being a place of worship. He reads a tweet from Erwin Lutzer about every generation being challenged to defend the gospel, and reads a cautionary tweet from Dan Phillips about sermons heard but not acted upon.
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Preparation, Distortion, Poison - E.3...
There is nothing that can qualify someone to come to faith in Jesus Christ, a truth that is vital to grasp if one is to understand the Marrow Controversy. In this lesson, Dr. Ferguson highlights the distortions that rejecting this truth creates, including doubt concerning God’s love for us.