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Growth, Goals & Greek with Darryl Burling - S2:E7 - Redeeming Productivity

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Sola Fide: Our Only Means - The Five Solas - White Horse Inn

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  • Growth, Goals & Greek with Darryl Bur...

    In this episode, Reagan chats with Darryl Burling. Darryl has a Ph.D. in biblical counseling and is the creator of Master New Testament Greek, an online program designed to help anyone learn to read the New Testament in the original Greek. We talk about setting spiritual growth goals and the impo...

  • The King of Heaven (Part 2) - Alistai...

    Daniel Chapter 4 records Nebuchadnezzar’s journey from rebellion to praise, a hard path marked by humiliation. Alistair Begg explains that God does not relent in His gracious pursuit of sinners, but brings men and women face to face with His greatness so that we can appreciate our need. The wonde...

  • How Rich A Treasure (Hymn 292) - S4:E...

    1. How rich a treasure we possess in Jesus Christ, our Lord.
    His blood, our ransom and defense; His glory, our reward.
    The sum of all created things are worthless in compare,
    For our inheritance is Him whose praise angels declare.

    2. How free and costly was the love displayed upon the cross!