The Living Waters team takes the gospel to London during the Coronation of King Charles.
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In this episode we'll take a brief look at the various stages we may go through during our path out of deception.
A Marvelous Ministry: The Preaching o...
Spurgeon's style of preaching was not expositional but it was thoroughly Biblical and centered on Christ. He was a product of his times and his upbringing. Though his methods would not be recommended in many good seminaries today, his messages were crystal clear and biblically faithful. His preac...
Concerns about Michael Heiser’s Teach...
The late Michael Heiser’s controversial teachings about the divine council, Theosis, Genesis 1:26, Psalm 82, Ancient Near Eastern Texts, Enoch, Nephilim, giants, demons, and angels are examined by Hebrew scholar Dr. Wave Nunnally, along with Systematic Theology Professor Dr. Jordan Cooper, Pastor...
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