Monaco - The Way of the Master - S4: Episode 45
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In Monaco the team had been forbidden by the palace authorities from interviewing anyone in the streets, so it looked like there was no way they were going to preach open air. Monaco has the largest police force in the world, both per capita and per the size of the country, and the last thing the team wanted was to get into trouble with the police. But an amazing thing happened that made open-air preaching possible. Watch the usual fascinating interviews, and then cross to California for an in-depth look at the incredible Ambassadors’ Academy.
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1. Your only Son, no sin to hide,
But You have sent Him from Your side
To walk upon this guilty sod,
And to become the Lamb of God.Refrain
O Lamb of God, sweet Lamb of God;
I love the holy Lamb of God.
O wash me in His precious blood.
My Jesus Christ, the Lamb of God (1, 2)
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