Debunking Andrew Wommack on How to Become a Water Walker - Chris Rosebrough
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Pastor Rosebrough reviews a popular teaching of Andrew Wommack about becoming a water walker. Wommack says it’s not about literal walking on the water but living a life of miracles. According to him, God needs us to have faith so that he can release the miraculous, and he uses the account of Peter walking on the water to make his case. But the Gospels were written so that we might know that Jesus is the Son of God and believe in Him, not so that we could become miracle workers.
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MTD and the One True God - Don Green
Moralistic Therapeutic Deism is a worldview that is so man centered that it never bothers to define God in a specific way. But Biblical Christianity centers around the triune God, and we are called to study and confess only what Scripture teaches us concerning the One True God.
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