Does Romans 15:18-20 teach that signs and wonders are necessary to fully preach the gospel? Is the gospel powerless without signs and wonders? What is the power of God for salvation? Rick Becker, from Famine in the Land helps explain the full context of this verse, along with what the rest of Scripture teaches on this issue.
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The Importance of Holiness - E.1 - Th...
Holiness is the characteristic of God’s nature that is at the very core of His being. Only as we encounter God in His holiness is it possible for us to see ourselves as we really are. The view of God presented in Isaiah 6:1–4 leaves an individual with a deep sense of awe at the greatness of His m...
A Form of Godliness But Denying Its P...
In 2 Timothy 3:5, Paul describes a people who have a "form of godliness but denying its power..." Bill Johnson uses this verse to label anyone who is discerning about the supernatural encounters or manifestations that are often experienced at Bethel Church, as having an "antichrist spirit." Chris...
Sovereignty in Suffering - AG Roundtable
Alistair Begg, Don Green, and Emilio Ramos respond to common objections to the sovereignty of God over evil and suffering. Phil Johnson explains how we are to understand God's decrees.