Moralistic preaching is preaching the commands of scripture and nothing else. When you assume that people understand the gospel, or you believe that Christians don't need to be reminded of the gospel, you're left with a "be like" or "be good" message which leads to pride or despair. Only the gospel- a message about Christ and what He has done- brings the power and fuel for Christians to obey the commands of scripture.
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Truth or Territory? - E.2 - Spiritual...
Looking at 2 Corinthians 10:3-6, Jim Osman contrasts two views of spiritual warfare: the truth view and the territory view.
For more information on Jim Osman: -
Itching Ears: Doreen Virtue's Testimo...
Doreen Virtue spent 22 years in the New Age as a best-selling author and teacher, until the Lord used a Truth for Life sermon to pierce her heart and lead her to saving faith.
AGTV (Launch Trailer)
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