Are the miraculous gifts for today?
From speaking in tongues to attempting to raise the dead, Charismatic Christians believe they are participating in modern miracles. But are these miracles real? Are the Apostolic gifts that we see in the New Testament still in operation today? Cessationist answers this important question by exposing the errors and building a positive case for the real work of the Holy Spirit today.
The Holy Spirit is far more necessary and powerful than many imagine.
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Truth or Territory? - E.2 - Spiritual...
Looking at 2 Corinthians 10:3-6, Jim Osman contrasts two views of spiritual warfare: the truth view and the territory view.
For more information on Jim Osman: -
AGTV (Launch Trailer)
Introduction - Law & Gospel (Ep. 1) -...
Mike Abendroth answers five introductory questions about the distinction between Law and Gospel: What is the law? What is the gospel? What is the History of the law/gospel distinction? Is the law/gospel distinction biblical? Why is this distinction important?