What happened to Evangelicalism? Why are doctrines such as justification by faith alone absent from the pulpit? Why is American Christianity so obsessed with their experiences? On this episode of the White Horse Inn our usual hosts will look at one of the main influences in American Christianity, a preacher of the Second Great awakening named Charles Finney.
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Responding to Common Objections - E.1...
For over 30 years of ministering to Roman Catholics, evangelist Mike Gendron has heard numerous objections from Catholics who try to defend the false teachings of their apostate religion. In this episode, Mike uses the supreme authority of God’s Word to to defend the glory and honor of the Lord J...
Race Relations & Justice - S2:E2 - Wi...
What does Scripture say about Race Relations and Justice? Too often we approach this subject from a polemical standpoint. But we must approach it from Scripture. God created diversity for His glory. In this episode of Wield The Sword, Darrell Harrison and Virgil Walker discuss God's glorious desi...
Critical Race Theory - E.108 - The Ju...
Critical Race Theory, or CRT for short, is, for many professing evangelicals today, a philosophy that is steeped in confusion and ambiguity. That is by design. In this expanded episode of the Just Thinking podcast, Darrell Harrison and Virgil “Omaha” Walker spend more than three hours unpacking t...