Contending for the Faith Against the Ecumenical Movement - E.8 - R. Catholicism
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The ecumenical unity movement between Roman Catholics and Evangelicals has been a direct assault on the purity and exclusivity of the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ. In this episode, evangelist Mike Gendron identifies the highly visible and influential evangelicals who have dishonored Christ by declaring a common faith in the Gospel with Catholics. Their compromise of the exclusivity of the Gospel has confused many Christians. They do not know if the Roman Catholic Church represents a Christian denomination made up of brothers in Christ or a huge mission field that needs to be evangelized. As followers of Christ, we must remain sanctified by the truth, refute error, oppose those who spread the error and contend earnestly for the faith. The glory and honor of our Savior and the purity of His Gospel is at stake if we are not obedient.
For more information on the Manhattan Declaration:
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