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MTD and the One True God - Don Green

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When We Die Are Our Relatives Waiting For Us in Heaven? - Core Live - 8/11/21

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  • MTD and the One True God - Don Green

    Moralistic Therapeutic Deism is a worldview that is so man centered that it never bothers to define God in a specific way. But  Biblical Christianity centers around the triune God, and we are called to study and confess only what Scripture teaches us concerning the One True God.

  • It Matters What You Believe (Pt. 2) -...

    A true Christian knows, believes, and perseveres in the essential elements of saving truth.

  • What Is The Gospel? - Theocast

    What is the gospel? Sadly, the answer many church-going people would give has a lot to do with us. This has left some self-righteous and proud. This has left many anxious and fearful. The gospel, however, is the message about what Jesus alone has secured for sinners: the forgiveness of sins, impu...