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A Tale of Revival and Super Bowl Prophecy - The Lovesick Scribe Podcast

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Life Matches Your Faith Pt 1 - Grace To You TV

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  • A Tale of Revival and Super Bowl Prop...

    On February 8, 2023, a normal chapel service on the campus of Asbury University turned into a days long and ongoing revival. Many people from all over the country are now flocking to this very location, seeking revival. Other reports are coming out where students at other colleges are gathering t...

  • Growing In Godliness - D.4 - Open Hea...

    Session 1 (9:00 AM - 9:50 AM CST):
    Penny Amack - "Who is That I am to be Like? - Expounding on God our Father."

    Intermission (9:50 AM - 10:00 AM CST)

    Session 2 (10:00 AM - 11:00 AM CST):
    Michelle Lesley - "How to Study the Bible."

  • What’s the Difference Between Prayer ...

    Can Christians "speak things into existence"? Pastor Adriel Sanchez discusses the difference between prayer and manifestation.

    Original Video: