The Lord's Work in His Church - Grace To You TV
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Modern Prophetic Sin of Simony - Dawn...
There are various online prophetic schools and e-courses available for those who want to "activate" the prophetic gifts and even become "certified" as a Prophet. Is this practice Biblical, and if not, what are the concerns with this teaching?
Deliverance Is the Children's Bread -...
The passages from Matthew 15 and Mark 7 concerning the Canaanite woman are used as a prooftext in deliverance ministry to state that deliverance is the children's bread. Recently, a group of professing deliverance ministers declared the church was entering the era of deliverance, echoing the sent...
Blessing of Abraham - Digging Deeper
What is the blessing of Abraham mentioned in Galatians 3:14? Many prosperity preachers such as Kenneth Copeland and Kenneth Hagin believe this blessing promises wealth to the Christian. But what is the actual content of this blessing? Find out more in this video.
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