Would you rather have Jesus above you in heaven or beside you on earth? In John 16:5-14 Jesus explains why His ascension is good news for His disciples and the rest of the world. The big idea of this final episode is that it is better for Jesus to be above you than for Him to be beside you.
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The History of Church Planting Moveme...
Russell and Sean explore the historical roots of Church Planting Movements.
The Roots of Prosperity Theology (Par...
How did Pentecostalism, Methodism, the Gilded Age, and Scientific advancement combine to create the roots of the prosperity gospel? In this episode, we finish our overview of the history of the Word of Faith movement and get ready to present the biblical argument against this theology.
In this s...
Review of a Crazy Service at Bethel -...
Bethel church hosts a different spirit (2 Cor 11:4). Deception is rife at Bethel church - mysticism, unbiblical practices, and false teachings flourish under the leadership of a false apostle, false prophets, and BSSM "revivalists." This service is but one example of why Bethel must be marked and...