Justin Peters interviews Mike Gendron, a convert to Protestant Christianity who spent over 30 years in Roman Catholicism and now works to preach the good news to Roman Catholics. Mike reminds us of the importance of the Reformation and details some of the heresies of Rome.
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Reacting to Mike Winger's Physics of ...
Mike Winger made an incredible video on The Physics of Heaven. Jesse add his two cents :)
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y3jgkiAMreQ&ab_channel=TheWestwoods -
The Great Pentecostal Disappointment ...
The early Pentecostals all believed that the gift of tongues consisted of authentic human languages. Both Charles Fox Parham (Topeka Outpouring) and William J. Seymour (Azusa Street Revival) believed that. How is it then that most of today's Pentecostals and Charismatics identify the gift of tong...
Temptations of the Digital Age (Part ...
In this sermon Tom Pennington explains how the digital age tempts Christians to exchange what is truly important for that which is trivial.