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The Need for Prayer - Alistair Begg

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Logic On Fire - The Life and Legacy of Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones (Official Trailer)

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  • The Need for Prayer - Alistair Begg

    Paul did not hide his vulnerability to the Enemy's accusations, to pride, or even to depression. In his letters, however, the apostle's main concern was not for his personal battles. Instead, he continually asked his readers to pray that he might have utterance and boldness to proclaim the Gospel...

  • The (Practically) Secret Meaning of E...

    Easter is the holy day set aside by Christians to celebrate the resurrection of Jesus from the dead—the most important event in history. All of human history and all of the Bible points to this momentous occasion.

  • Doctrine of Antichrist (Part 1) - Esc...

    The Bible says that there have been many “antichrists” who have gone out into the world, and yet there is an antichrist the Bible focuses on as the main sinister figure of the end-time world system that rebels against God. Here we briefly consider how scripture presents the theology of antichrist...