Is the New Apostolic Reformation a real movement that promotes dangerous false teachings that have subjected countless people to spiritual abuse and manipulation? Or is the label "NAR" being used by critics to misrepresent the beliefs of faithful leaders?
Michael Brown, Holly Pivec, and Doug Geivett met in person on August 13, 2022, to discuss these important issues. Prior to this roundtable, they discussed these issues in 2020 on Alisa Childers’ podcast: Link:
Note: This discussion was originally intended to be part of the “American Gospel: Spirit & Fire” (AG3) docuseries. Michael Brown withdrew from that project in the fall of 2023 but gave permission to publish this roundtable in an “uncut” format, separate from AG3.
Michael L. Brown, Ché Ahn, and the Brownsville Revival - By Doug Geivett (7/16/24):
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